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#MULTIBUBBLE is meant to inspire your creativity where the options are truly unlimited.
Size of Bubbles
Kylie’s crew has built all sorts of sizes of bubbles with various plastic thickness and tape strength. Out of a roll of 8 feet x 100 feet of plastic you can make two bubbles. Just as a note, you will need extra tape.
Why the 6 mil plastic?
We have tried using 2 mil, 3 mil, and 4 mil plastic but due to the weather and wind in the Midwest, they have never seemed to hold up after one major use.
Reinforced 6 mil clear plastic sheeting found to be the most durable yet lightweight enough to hold the shape.
NOTE: This plastic comes in white, black, and clear. The instructions below are for the clear plastic, but @wsushiftspacegallery has built one that is white!
Can I use a different tape than this?
If you can deal with the potential of this taking some skin cells off, this is the best tape we have found to use. We have tried types like grey duct tape, clear packaging, and t-rex tape…and none can compare to this heavy duty white gorilla tape. About 45-50 yards of this can create your 8’x8′ bubble.
Windex + Microfiber Cloth
this is after you cut your pieces out
This plastic has a bit of a dusty film and sometimes your tape won’t attach.
Try to wipe down the edges of your plastic with some windex and a microfiber cloth and reattach your tape.
Fan Types & Usage
The kit on this website utilizes the donated fan from Vornado for the use of this project for WSU students.
You can use a box fan up to anything similar in weight and power.
The creation of the plastic valve and fan attachment will be needed to modify your equipment.
What if the weather is....?
So, you don’t battle the outdoor weather with these bubbles. Kansas winds are perilous against these structures. The heat or snow will melt the plastic and the tape, and the wind will break through the seams.
We will provide information if the weather decides not to cooperate. Please follow @wsushiftspacegallery for updates!
About 3-4 hours
Our team built the bubble in the garage: We moved out the cars, swept the floor, and acquired all the materials in the Bubble Kit.
There are multiple ways of constructing the bubble. These instructions below may look overwhelming, but once you get the hang of one, remember that there is repetition on alternating sides. Out of one roll of plastic, you can make two 8′ cubes or make up multiple sized bubbles.