• Plastic Prep

Materials Needed: Measuring Tape, Sheets #1 – #4

Roll out the plastic, measure, and cut six sheets at 8 ft
  • Make sure to cut straight ends
Set two (2) of the 8′ sheets aside.
Unfold the first sheet and lay in the guide marks on the floor.
Unfold the second sheet lay/stack on top of the first sheet.
Use 2” of blue tape to mark the bottom left corner of each sheet*

(same side as fan opening)

  • Mark your plastic sheets to help you follow along in the build.
  • You can use a sharpie to mark the painter’s tape and attach it to the sheet on the left bottom corner: 1, 2, 3, 4


*Numbering the plastic sheets with painters tape is temporary and only a suggestion to help you understand the folds in the build. It can be removed afterwards.

Bubble Assistants: Seth Blume, Heather Wooldridge, Armando Minjarez, Ellie Keppy, and Arietta Austin